
All About My Mother is a 1999 Spanish drama film. Written and directed by Pedro Almodovar. The film deals with complex issues such as; status/class, contamination, decay, female exposure, sexuality and society's moral values. Pedro Almodovar focuses the film on the main female character Manuela, who is a Spanish nurse specialising in over-seeing donor organ transplants, based in Madrid. A single mother to her son Esteban, a teenager who wanted to be a writer, sadly his passion and obsession for his work cost him his life. The night he was killed was his seventeenth birthday, he was chasing actress Huma Rojo's car for her autograph when he was hit by another car. Huma Rojo was starring in a production play called 'A Streetcar Named Desire' which Esteban and his mother watched previously and awaited her to leave the theatre to meet her. Manuela agrees for Esteban's heart to be used as a donor, quits her job and goes looking for Esteban's father in Barcelona. The father(Lola) is a transvestite she kept secret, which she hopes to find to break the news about Esteban's death. In Barcelona she is reunited with her old friends, Algrado(Transexual prostitute)and Rosa, (A young nun, who works in a shelter for battered prostitutes) who is also pregnant by Lola, Rosa's Mother, Huma Rojo and Nina Cruz (who has a drug addiction). Manuela becomes entangled in her friends lives and problems, seeking to help others and becomes a well liked individual. She then works as Huma Rojo's assistant and replaces Nina in the play as she is too drugged up. Rosa becomes terminally ill as she is HIV positive, her health continues to deterioate during her pregnancy where Manuela stays by her side up until the birth of her baby. On the way to the hospital, Rosa see's her father (who has Alzheimers Disease) walking their dog and asks the taxi to stop to see him and he fails to recognise her. Rosa dies giving birth and Manuela is then reunited with Lola at Rosa's funeral. Lola is also dying from AIDS, Manuela then tells him about her own son dying and gives him a picture of Esteban. Manuela then adopts Rosa's baby, Esteban, and lives with Rosa's mother's for a while. Rosa's mother cannot accept the risk of Esteban being HIV positive, limiting her contact with the baby. Manuela leaves Rosa's mothers house with Esteban, to move back to Madrid, where he is tested and found to be HIV negative.

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